The generation of knowledge is fundamental to making the right decisions and is the basis for adaptive management. Based on this premise, Maderacre continuously conducts studies and monitors the forest, its operations, and the impact they have on the environment.
MADERACRE has implemented a process of constant improvement that encompasses planning, execution, monitoring, and feedback. The forest management system is detailed in the General Forest Management Plan (Plan General de Manejo Forestal, PGMF) and is detailed each year in the Annual Operating Plan (Plan Operativo Anual, POA), documents that are approved by the Forestry Authority and audited annually for the past 10 years by the Rainforest Alliance.
MADERACRE has not had any cases of fires; if there is a risk, our personnel are trained in fire prevention and reduction.
Las investigaciones conducidas por nuestro socio San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance han demostrado que el manejo forestal sostenible de los bosques del Tahuamanu por Maderacre y el Proyecto Madre de Dios Amazon REDD Project han contribuido a la reducción de la deforestación y conservación de la fauna silvestre en esa región. En particular, en estos bosques se ha registrado 106 especies de mamíferos (20% del total de mamíferos terrestres de Perú), además albergan la segunda mayor abundancia de jaguares (4/100 km2) luego del Pantanal en Brazil.
Foto: “Programa Perú Bosques”
Based on the knowledge obtained about the forest, the most appropriate parameters have been defined to be applied in its management. These have been calculated to guarantee the sustainability of the forest and future harvests.
Maderacre implements a poly-cyclic silvicultural system of selective extraction, based on natural regeneration. The trees protected as seedlings and those that have not yet reached the minimum cutting diameters provide the genetic material for the natural regeneration of the forest. Harvesting operations are carried out using reduced-impact techniques that conserve flora and fauna, water, soil, and air. This, together with the absence of wildlife hunting, guarantees a healthy ecosystem.
Annually, each harvesting unit (cutting plot) is censused to identify, georeferenced, and evaluate each tree of the species under management. At the same time, the presence of sites with conservation attributes is documented. This information is used to plan the harvesting, protection, and annual monitoring of the forest.
At Maderacre we guarantee the legal origin of the wood. All this is possible thanks to the codification of the harvested trees and the continuous control of their codes during the production stage of the industry. A guarantee of this is our FSC Forest Management (FSC-MF), Chain of Custody (FSC-CoC) certificates for our concessions, and the Responsible Purchasing Protocol for wood purchased from forest concessions in Tahuamanu, Madre de Dios.
Likewise, our wood processing service providers comply with various requirements to maintain the extension of our certificate.
Maderacre’s management guarantees the conservation of the forests it manages. An important component of the management system is the Forest Stewardship Program.
As part of the administrative division of the forest management unit, conservation areas have been defined that contains most of the ecosystems and forest types present in the unit. In addition, sites with conservation attributes are permanently identified, which are protected and excluded from logging.
Degradation caused by our operations is less than 1% of the area of the management unit per year. Wildlife hunting is prohibited and operations executed with reduced impact criteria result in a healthy forest, even after harvesting activities have been carried out.